Bring the transformative, growth-inspiring messages of Tehillim to your community
Accelerate the personal growth of every member of your institution or community with a dynamic, inspiring lecture on using the transformative songs of Tehillim as a roadmap for spiritual development.
Experience the depth of what Tehillim tells us about rising to the challenges and opportunities of life.
empowering to say… and to live.
Living Tehillim’s flagship lecture has inspired audiences in Israel, the United States and Australia. Connecting to Tehillim at Every Moment reveals the hidden depth behind the words of Dovid HaMelech. This lecture gives you the tools to create a personal and powerful connection to these impactful songs. The Tehillim you say – and the life you live – will never be the same.
Our ability to form deep, fulfilling relationships and deal effectively with challenging ones translates directly to our emotional health. Building Lasting Relationships reveals Dovid HaMelech’s approach to the full range of human relationships. This lecture explores specific songs that show us how to successfully deal with interpersonal challenges and even antagonistic relationships. We will learn how to use the challenge to strengthen ourselves, others and the ties that connect us.
Dovid HaMelech’s ultimate vision was to build Jerusalem and the Bais Hamikdash. This dream and passion is expressed in many of the songs of Tehillim. Dream of Jerusalem reveals how to access those same sparks and dreams that lie within every Jewish heart. We will delve into the songs of Tehillim that address how to bring the passion for Jerusalem and its rebuilding into our own lives.
In the Jewish calendar, each point in time has its own special energy. Timely Tehillim lectures relate to the unique potential for growth within specific months or holidays. These very popular lectures explore the songs of Tehillim that are added to the tefillos during different chagim or at particular times of year. In each lecture, we develop a deeper connection to the song itself and to the aspects of personal development that we have special spiritual and psychological access to at this time. Maximize your community’s experience of a chag, a Jewish month or a Jewishly significant time period and fill it with connection to Hashem.
Rebbetzin E. Rosenbaum
Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary & College
Edie Goldman
New York
Estie Graj
Melbourne, Australia
The songs of Dovid HaMelech speak to all experiences, challenges and aspirations.
Please be in touch to discuss the needs of your community so we can craft a Living Tehillim lecture expressly for your audience.