Find personal and practical direction in the songs of Tehillim

But connecting to Tehillim’s messages and their personal and practical applications can be a real challenge.
The Living Tehillim book series, based on years of Rivka Segal’s Living Tehillim classes, is our partner and guide in making the songs of Tehillim into our songs.
Written with the help of bestselling author Dr. Lisa Aiken, Living Tehillim enables us to understand the inherent meaning in these songs and use them to empower ourselves as we face our own challenges and grow to be the people we can be.

Understand the meaning and depth contained within the Tehillim you say. Gain strength, direction and clarity as you apply the messages to your daily life. Includes an Introduction to the entire book of Tehillim.

Understand the meaning and depth contained within the Tehillim you say. Gain strength, direction and clarity as you apply the messages to your daily life.

Deepen your Shabbos and Yom Tov experiences with Volume 4 of Living Tehillim, containing the mizmorim of Hallel, Kabbalos Shabbos, Barchi Nafshi, Mizmor L’Todah and more! Learn how to take advantage of the unique opportunity for closeness to G-d presented by each of these special, holy occasions.

Make a Dedication in a Living Tehillim book
Make a spiritual impact on a global level. Help bring the inspiration of Tehillim to others.
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
Rav, Kehillat Ohr Samayach, Jerusalem
Atlanta, GA